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2020 has been a tough year. But the Great Physician has been taking care of us!
We know that, as families, it can be difficult to talk about things that adults find challenging. But if we all took a moment to share and listen: It wouldn't take long to find out that kids have noticed that people aren't getting along... Or that we're anxious about the getting sick... Or we are afraid of what the future holds. And when are mad, worried, or confused about "right" and "wrong" --- sometimes it's very, VERY hard to know what to do.
Jesus, "The Great Physician", came here to help us with issues of right and wrong. He healed the sick to bring them peace and to show His power; He preached about God and died for our sins so that our hearts would be healed.
Once, in Mark chapter 12-- A man ask Jesus what was most important of all the commandments that God had given his people. You see, Jesus was preaching some new things that were based on God's will and His plan the world after Jesus died for our sins... And this had some people mad, others worried, and more people confused about what was right or wrong. They may have been trying to test Jesus--- but, either way, it was an important question.
Jesus told the man that the most important thing was to love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength. The SECOND most important thing was to "love your neighbor as yourself."
When things are tough--- We could ask the same question. "What's important?" Love God. Love your neighbor. Everything else will follow.
In tonight's story-- We're going to learn about "The Good Samaritan," which is a story that The Great Physician told about loving our neighbor through difficult times. ENJOY!
Here's another a few other videos about this story :)
There used to be a man on TV called Mr. Rogers--- Maybe you've heard of him? Your moms and dads have, for sure! One special thing that he used to say was: When we see things that we find scary on the news--- we should "look for the helpers. You will always find people wo are helping."
The story of the Good Samaritan teaches us that when "we love our neighbor as ourselves," there will be times where we need to be helpers.
In this next video-- You'll learn about 4 friends who were being helpers to a sick man, who desperately needed the help of the Great Physician.
Their friend was so sick that he couldn't move! And then when they reached the Great Physician, they couldn't get through the crowd! Watch and find out what their love and their faith led them to do!
A fun little song about this story:

"Love Your Neighbor" Masks
The NIGHT 1 CRAFT was done at our kick-off. Pictures to come!
Mark 12:31- "The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[g] There is no commandment greater than these.”
Matthew 7:12 - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
THE IDEA With COVID-19, one of the things we've been asked to do is wear masks to slow down the spreading of germs. There are a lot of adults who are unsure about this, but one thing that we can be sure of is that when we wear a mask, it protects other people from our germs. Our government has asked us to do this to show love to our friends and neighbors. No matter how we feel about wearing a mask--- this craft is a great reminder of doing what we can be helpers through difficult times!
Masks- We purchased white, cloth adult masks from a local t-shirt screen printing company.
Tie Dye- Of course tie dye kits were nearly impossible to find. Considering they were a massive fashion trend this year AND it's a go-to summer staple anyway: We had to adapt. Fortunately, we found a great solution at the following blog!
We are also EXTREMELY THANKFUL for all the Christian creators out there who have provided the story videos on YouTube. We do not claim creative rights to those videos; but we do encourage families to seek these things out, so that we are constantly teaching at home.
These creators have allowed our "army" at Savannah to continue social distancing (instead of assembling our normal sets and skits) while the virus has spiked in our area.
We love you... If you're in this area, we hope you'll come get to know us!
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