Staff Members
at Savannah

Steve Worley began working in Nigeria in 1989. Steve and his wife Dee have labored there for many years alongside Dr. Aguh and his wife Rachel. Bro. Worley and Dr. Aguh were instrumental in the establishment of the School of Biblical Studies. Together with their fellow workers they have been able to see a tremendous growth in the Nigerian church. Bro. Worley has also been able to begin works in Uganda, Chad, and the Niger Republic. He continues to travel and work in these African nations every year. His work is overseen by the Savannah church of Christ in Savannah, TN.
Home Phone, U.S.: 731-926-3569
Cell, U.S.: 731-607-6603
Cell, Nigeria: 011-234-0803-604-6161
Chuck and Marci Cordon joined the team in 2019. After retiring from the Navy and completing the Preacher Training program at the Memphis School of Preaching, they began work with SBS Jos and will return again in Jan 2021. They also work with rural congregations in the US and look to expand outreach in Uganda. Their work is overseen by the Savannah church of Christ in Savannah, TN. Please view the interview with Chuck per the link provided for more information.
Cell, U.S.: (757) 639-0277
Also Serving in
this Mission

Randy Baker joined the work in 2013. He spends many days on the road throughout the course of the year visiting workshops and lectureships inside the United States. He also speaks at different churches in order to raise awareness about the works in Africa. His work is overseen by the Bethel congregation in Athens, AL.
Phone: (256)247-9784
Email: ranbaker@bellsouth.net
Adam Cox joined the work in 2012. He has a full-time job in the US as a Computer Network Engineer. Adam travels to Nigeria for several weeks every year to learn from and work with Bro. Worley. His role in the work is growing each passing year. Adam’s work is overseen by the Walnut Grove Church of Christ in Savannah, TN.
Adam Cox
PO Box 23
Savannah, TN 38372
Phone: (731) 925-2810
Email: coxadamh@gmail.com
How can you share in the work?
One of the most common questions that we encounter once people become familiar with the work is, “how can I help?” There are no shortage of opportunities available to become involved with this work. Each of the American evangelists require donations in order to travel and do their work. The school is growing and donations are needed by Jos Partners so that the school can continue to grow and provide adequate facilities for the security and training of the on campus students. You can also choose to sponsor a student as they go through school. The students are responsible for their own tuition and food, but you can help if you like. Each of the follow-up men are also full time workers who receive an approximate salary of $200 per month. If you, you and your friends, or your congregation would like to support any aspect of this work your help would be appreciated! In order to fulfill the great commission (Matt 28:18–20) we must all work together!
You are invited to become a Jos partner
Our goal is to have 500 Christians giving $10 monthly to provide a stable operating income for the school. If you or your Bible class are thinking about becoming a Jos Partner, we urge you to do so! The small amount of just $10 monthly, when combined with that of others, will make a huge difference. Please send your name and address along with your check to:
Gadsden Church of Christ
P.O. Box 967
Gadsden, AL 35902